Planning to take a tour of the UK this year? Whether you’ll be heading north toward the tip of Scotland, into the rolling countryside of Wales, or along the eastern coast, there’s a wealth of things to enjoy, from immense history to stunning natural beauty and the sheer enjoyment of putting your road-handling skills to the test. With that being said, challenges can occur that could impinge your enjoyment. The following tips will help ensure the best possible touring experience.
Have the Right Company
Sure, going it alone can be fun, but only to an extent. Traveling mile after mile of empty road doesn’t really lend itself to enjoyment, though, which means taking a companion along for the tour is a good idea. You can’t choose just anyone, though. You need someone with whom you’re compatible, particularly during long periods with little to do other than admire the scenery. Your traveling companion should not irritate you at all, and they should be someone with whom you are comfortable enduring long silences.
Know Where You’re Going (and Have Help)
It’s highly recommended that you have at least a loose plan of where you intend to travel. You should have your route picked out ahead of time, obviously, with points of interest noted along the way. It’s not strictly necessary to plan your itinerary down to the minute, though. With that being said, you do need to ensure you have multiple navigational aids with you. A smartphone or GPS unit is a must, but you should also have a paper map for emergencies.
Arrange for Roadside Service
Take a cue from Murphy and his law – anything that can go wrong, will go wrong, usually at the most inopportune time. Protect yourself and your traveling companions by having roadside assistance available. Sure, you can probably handle a flat, but what if a radiator hose blows? Breakdown cover is likely available through your auto insurer, but you have other options. RAC, GreenFlag, Emergency Assist LTD, Eversure, and GEM are all good options.
Have a Strategy
Whether your UK road tour will last for a single day, or you’re hitting the road for a multiday excursion, you need to have a plan. We’re not talking about your route map, either. You need to plan ahead for how you will handle things like workday traffic in urban areas, or adverse weather events in the mountains. This will require that you know a bit about all the areas through which you will be traveling so that you can make the appropriate plans to avoid delays, holdups, and snafus.
In the end, a UK road tour gives you the opportunity to test your mettle against some of the most challenging driving areas in the world, while also exploring Britain’s most stunning natural areas, steeping yourself in history, and enjoying out of the way eateries. However, pulling your tour off successfully does require a bit of planning. The tips above will help ensure a safe, enjoyable tour.